Мирай Нагасу поделилась пугающей фотографией из больницы

Американская фигуристка Мирай Нагасу рассказала, что заставило ее прекратить выступления.

В своем аккаунте в Instagram 25-летняя спортсменка поделилась снимками из больницы, объяснив, что причиной ухода из спорта послужила тяжелая травма бедра.

«В 2016 году у меня начались боли в бедре, но я, будучи спортсменом, который часто падает, думала, что это нормально, и надеялась, что боль рано или поздно уйдет. Позже обнаружилось, что у меня поврежден бедренный сустав, и мне было предложено лечь на операцию, — написала Нагасу. — Мы с моей командой приняли решение повременить с хирургическим вмешательством. Я понимала, что поездка на Олимпиаду в Пхенчхан не будет легкой, но со временем боль стала невыносимой. Мне было нелегко делиться этим с кем бы то ни было, особенно если это могло выглядеть как оправдание моим снизившимся результатам.»

На Олимпийских играх в Пхенчхане Нагасу завоевала бронзовую медаль в командных соревнованиях.

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In 2014, I was left off the Olympic team which was a decision that left me devastated and heartbroken. I found myself in a place of anger, confusion, and most terrifyingly, self-deprecation. In making the decision to continue to compete, I decided that I was going to give my career the effort that I thought I needed to to make another team and then some, which to me, at the time, meant learning a new jump. I wanted to become a skater to whom the selection committee couldn’t say no. In 2016, I started to experience excruciating pains in my hip that reached all the way down my leg that at one point, didn’t allow me to straighten my knee. As an athlete in a sport that takes constant falls, pain isn’t an abnormality, so I thought that the pain would eventually go away. It did not and eventually, I found out that I had torn my labrum and had fractured part of my hip socket in the process of learning the triple axel. In that year, I was given two options: get surgery to repair it or try PRP. I was told that there was a high chance that I could repair my labrum with PRP if enough scar tissue would form in the socket. As a skater with Eastern origins, surgery was not something that I could commit to quickly. Because I had also never undergone surgery, my team wasn’t sure how long it would take me to recover so I eventually decided to maintain and keep a close eye on my injury. I also made this decision based on the fact that the more time I took off, the more time I was going to need to get back into fighting shape and I felt like I needed all the competitions I could have on my resume. I knew that making the Olympic team wasn’t going to be a trip of cotton candy and sprinkles but on some days, the pain and pressure were excruciatingly overwhelming. It also wasn’t something that I could easily share with anyone outside of my team because I saw this injury as a weakness. More importantly, I didn’t want the media to use it as an excuse as to why I didn’t compete well that day or a reason to leave me off the team again. #mythoughts #thoughts #thejourney #figureskating

Публикация от Mirai Nagasu (@mirainagasu)

